
The Difference Between The Holy Spirit's Powerful Fruit and the Sibling's Smiling Help

The empowerment of the Holy Spirit results in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Seeing those gifts in the lives of the siblings is an effect of the Holy Spirit. Healing the sick and raising the dead are affects of the power of the Holy Spirit. Having understanding beyond any natural means is the power of the Holy Spirit. We find friendly faces and hearty hellos in the entryways of many churches. We feel a lightness to the atmosphere that comes from the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the siblings. We gain the fruit and the power of the Holy Spirit when we look toward God, are in His presence, read His Word, worship Him, think about Him, our Master, that God-Man, Himself, and His Father and ours, and God The Holy Spirit. We do not get the fruit and the power directly by associating with the siblings who have His fruits and know His power in their own lives. We do not get the fruit and the power of the Holy Spirit by being greeted in the church foyer. We do not get the fruit and the power of God

Two Views of How We Relate to God

God wants to help us, keep us safe, and smoothe out problems. We don't have to appease Him at all. When we know He's like that and start pushing toward Him, we naturally want to do what He says because we realize that doing what He says helps us. The view that help comes as a reward for our appeasement of God is dangerously wicked, false, and just dirty. Don't let the Christian view be obscured by concepts in the other view! Go toward God happily, not standing still, trembling in fear.

Countering the Concept that the Bible Does Not Help with Everything in Modern Life

Have you ever heard someone say that the Bible is the instruction manual for life? Have you heard someone try to refute that by bringing up modern things that the Bible doesn't mention? This is a quite long discussion I had with ChatGPT about that. Remember that ChatGPT is only a language model. It has some limited degree of linguistic reasoning and is very good at transforming information into different expressions. Its main ideas are anchored in its training data, which is mostly secular. I had to lead it sometimes, and it accepted my logic in the end, but that's not a very tight case for my logic. Yet it does go some way to validating it. I have some hope that, if you have a lot of free time, perusing this might be valuable to you or give you some ideas of how to address the various areas of concern within this topic.   >>>User What are some major themes of the biblical Genesis which relate to the human experience? >>>ChatGPT The Book of Genesis, the first

A Moment of Decision

In the moment of realization that its core has always been evil, do you accept the whole in order to keep the peripheral parts of it which you had accepted as righteous up until then, or will you immediately reject the whole for its evil and do the hard work thereafter to disentangle all those right reasons for your acceptance of all those things about it which are not evil? If you wobble, and you, without full understanding yet with enough understanding, accept the evil for the sake of the right things you had already accepted about some thing - the funny lilt of that man's voice when you find out he's been mincing with homosexuality this whole time - then you might immediately forget, only remembering what you already knew but subconsciously retaining the knowledge of that acceptation of evil. Or might you, bravely and with long preparation in training, reject the evil in the instant of its full appearance? Will you trust the source of your righteousness to remember how to so

Further Considerations of a Church without the Open Expression of the Gospel - Against the Present Saints as Well as the Future Saints

There's a big ironic kicker when we consider that the vast area of Christ's Church in the West which does charity work explicitly prohibits talk of sin and salvation. Namely, they think they're keeping quiet about it in order to better catch the fish for the ultimate purpose of salvation! In the meantime, they only withhold salvation doctrine from the World, whom they finally have where they want them - lured to the church door with food, clothing, sundries, and court-ordered counseling. But, in addition, they withhold deeper communion with the saints, because if you can't talk about the fundamentals openly, how can you perform the deeper work of soulish training in active fact with the saints? It's all hidden!

The World Shames Whom God Supremely Values

So, what do you think about Master Jesus' great work which He heroically accomplished on the Earth in a human body out of love for us all? Anyone else would have been honored or tolerated, but Master Jesus, God's own Christ and Son, is dishonored *because* He's good. And it's so overwhelmingly obvious that He's good that it shames everyone's natural standards. Also, what He did seems foolish, because it's spiritually discerned, and the natural human can't perceive it. Believe Master Jesus died for our sins, was buried, resurrected, and seen afterward, and confess with your mouth Master Jesus, and He will save you from the natural outcome of death which comes from your sin. 1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Romans 10:9-13.

The Connection between Disobedience and Spiritual Illness in the Christian - Concerning Faith

Behavior which is against what we read in the Bible and, more generally, what we know to be true is a spiritual matter in that it assaults faith. When we find a fact but don't like it and so we find reasons to disregard it, we sin against our own conscience, which is a satanic act (insofar as all ungodliness is satanic), and we are hurt and do hurt others around us by it. Now, when we find a thing that our flesh is not ready to accept, we must immediately put the thing before our good Lord and believe that He can make us believe what He knows is true, and that it is something which we desire, even though we are buried underneath a lot of opposing flesh.  

Overview of the World's Product Processing Outcome

Since Democracy works to keep the people off the backs of the aristocracies and presidents of the world through glad-handing the people into thinking they're controlling the people who are actually using preset models of interaction to appear to do what they are asked while actually doing what they want, the business model has followed suit with customer experience management using big data, and now that big data will be driven by AIs to wrap around the individual like a warm, smothering blanket that's actually constraining the view so that person demands what it's told to demand, and the Lord will destroy Babylon for its merchandising of the human soul.

The Simple Truth

The simple truth is that everyone is looking for validity, escape from the ennui of existence, and relief from the negative effects of sin.  Jesus is the only way to be saved. We are validated by God's love. Let's be saved so we can know that He loves us. We enjoy life as His made things! Christians have overcome sin and the death it brings. Jesus is the only way to be saved. Find out how. Make your choice now. According to 1 Corinthians 15:1-3a, due to believing 1 Corinthians 15:3b-8, do what's emphasized 3 times in Romans 10:9-13 to be saved; both the belief and action work together for salvation, according to Romans 10:14a.

Giant Misunderstanding of Salvation Imposes Wretched Schism Among Siblings in Christ

A behavioral change does come from salvation. But it's not necessarily visible to other people. And it's not the cause of salvation, it's an effect of it. So if we don't see it - even in ourselves - that doesn't mean we're not saved. Paul's body sinned while he served Christ in his mind (read Romans 6-8). That's established biblical Christianity! We do what God's Word says for salvation - after all, it's Him we have to trust for it, and it's His instructions we have to follow to know how to trust Him for it - that's basic. It's not that there's no salvation without behavioral change, a planned and practiced form of discipleship, but the repentence and the practical acknowledgement of Master Jesus IS the verbal confession of those who believe in accordance with the Bible's declaration of these facts in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 and Romans 10:9-14a. Good works have been seen as the necessary evidence of faith in Christ. That if your

Analysis of 1 Timothy 2-3

 Overall, this is about the type of authority that Paul had, in which he gave Hymenaeus and Alexander over to Satan (1:20). Paul says (2:7) that he is the non-lying truth teller about these matters by the authority of Christ which God gave him, Paul, that particular man, and, in *that* authority, he wills various particular holy behavior to come from both men and women, and he gives the reasons behind it. Pauls makes a point of saying that Jesus saved him, even though he was a horrible sinner, and showed him mercy, and that that is a pattern for us all. Paul was put into the ministry by Christ Jesus our Master (1:12). That's where his authority to say these things comes from (2:7, which seems to me to be very emphatic). It looks like there's a vital connection between a woman's concern with what she wears and the transgression of Eve by way of her victimization by deception. I might be wrong, but it seems to me that vanity (emptiness) is connected to these things, too. Now,