Don't be Ensourcled by Worldly Repulsion of God's Goodness, Dear Children

 We've been made to be repulsed by goodness! If you don't believe Jesus was raised from the dead *in accordance with the Scriptures*, then you're not saved!  If you are friends with your unsaved *family members*, then you are acting like God's enemy. If you commune with the constantly sinning sibling in Christ, then you are sinning, and you are both hurting each other by it.

We've been made to be repulsed by God's Word in many ways. Believe Him, and you will slowly change your point of view, learn why these things are good, and come to a viewpoint of strength against falsehood. Wouldn't you like that? There is a ripping apart of communion between communities - that's part of what holiness is, but do we despise it and call it wicked in our minds? Don't let the unbeliever into your gatherings, real Christians in our same Master and Savior, the actual - Jesus of Nazareth, God's Christ, Who is also the one Gods ("Elohim" is plural, you know?).

We've been made to be repulsed by our savior's method of salvation and by His method of everyday living. Even the fabric of reality that He is a "Him" is starting to wear thin by our surrounding World's society. Watch it happen! You'll see that you don't need to be ensourcled by affirmations of unrighteousness at every turn. Start by knowing salvation doctrine thoroughly. Believe 4 things (that's in 1 Corinthians 15:3b-8, but verses 1-3a have some important proof that it really is the total list of necessary beliefs to be saved, especially verse 2). Then do 1 thing (that's in Romans 10:9-13, the same single action listed 3 separate times). Romans 10:14a is like James' famous connection between faith and works. Don't you know that we are saved by a work, after all? It's what the actual Word of God actually says, actually! It's all been right there for you to read forever.

God has told us. I'm telling you what He has said to all of us. Don't turn off your mind, if you can stand it at all! And if you cannot? Well, don't falsely believe that your inability to take it in will be an excuse on God's Sentencing Day! Take it in! It's your responsibility, after all, and no human judge would accept flimsy excuses, but our body's sin works against us, but Christ is for us!

Go to Him and see...


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