Answers about Gender Dysphoria

 If any Christian has been deluded by gender dysphoria, they should be told good things about God's love of whom He created, in the way He created them. I wonder if that's the tack of Christian psychologists? Oh, pity the state of things, even in the Church!

Making a place for the hurt to persist by a lying definition that there actually exists a truly natural disconnect between apparent and real biological identity is a mean thing to do. Maybe it's easy for us to do, because we've already allowed ourselves to lie to the Schizophrenic grandmother to artificially keep her comfortable, and we've become used to lying to children to keep their feelings after a great tragedy. We falsely excuse those lies. There's always an escape from harm without lying, because God doesn't give us trials without an escape in His righteousness. Oh, the strange, compromising Church! In all cases, inundating distressed Christians in prayer and in all truth is the powerful and healing answering act.

And if we're not talking about Christians, I think we should let them be, because Worldlings have a bigger problem than all these symptoms of what they are. Let everyone who will be a Christian come out of the World - we should deal with the World on that basis, for them - but we have to gear our daily responses to interact well with our own, and techniques to deal with us are different from techniques to deal with people who are not alive.


Psychology sometimes accurately models some soulish dynamics, but it's worldly philosophy. God's Special Book teaches us what we must do to be soulishly healthy.

In some respects, psychology is a competing religion. For instance, some psychoanalysis requires for its operation absolute trust in a lying psychoanalyst, who often doesn't get rid of trouble, but moves it to a less visible space within the soul. Or in another example, talk therapy very often invites sinful speech, such as hateful accusations against one's spouse to a stranger. It's very sad that "Christian Psychology" is no different from normal psychology, though Christians *could* leverage knowledge of the Bible to help with all the same topics as psychology covers. If Christian psychologists did, they'd find different and truthful and helpful methods.

But some truth is only applicable to Christians. Generic "Higher Power" might have some functional ability to activate the power of faithiness, but only the Person, God, is able to actually help, even if we devised ways to use all His good things apart from Him.

Reference Keywords: Psychoheresy Bobgans

Outlier cases of gender dysphoria (such as with hermaphrodites) should be dealt with separately, but, overall, what's happening today is crass disobedience against God's order. It's not only the method that wrong, though mutilating children is vile, but deep wrongness is found in the similarly vile but the more subtle and slowly built up attack of the very conceptualization that's been wickedly taught that such a thing as "God gave me the wrong body, because the real 'me' is a different gender" exists in the first place! After it's normalized in society, even among the outspoken segments of Christ's Church, all sorts of similar statements outside of the consideration of gender will be easier to claim against the sovereignty of God our creator.

Jesus sifted the Worldlings for future believers. He came to heal the sick, but the sick got better at His ministrations. If they rejected God, He didn't keep dealing with them, like the time He ate with the Pharisees, and they had something evil to say; He called them out openly and then immediately left! Or in another example, Christ fed the masses who spent a long time following Him into the wilderness to hear Him preach about the Kingdom of God. He was merciful to them, because they would've fainted on the way back. They were not random masses whom He (mainly, or in every last case?) helped. They were seekers of God! When He helped the demoniac, he didn't continue cursing God afterward.

It's a desperate shame that it's highly common that most-or-all the modern charity work from churches is done without ever (on purpose, without ever!) telling those masses about their sin-addiction, along with death, Hell, Judgement, and the Lake of Fire, but that we have Good News, the way out not through psychological cleansing but by the Master of the Universe and God's Christ. Christ heals the actual broken-hearted, not those who won't yield to Him in their brokenness because of a grossly proud heart in denying that Jesus died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, then He was buried, then God resurrected Him on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, then He was seen afterward by Peter, the Disciples, over 500 brothers at once, James, the Apostles and by Paul, and that, due to believing those things, if they call on the name of the Master for salvation by verbally confessing "Master Jesus", then they will be saved.

After salvation, a whole new set of tools opens up for us Christians to be helped by the original, good versions of many of the bad versions of psychological treatment which were ripped from the Bible in the first place, only without Christ.
Christ is the separation of Church from World. Christians have been made alive again, and that's not a metaphor. We are, strictly speaking, different species, and the Worldlings are, curiously, very similar to zombies, except one step deeper - they have living bodies and minds but dead spirits (whereas the popular concept of a zombie has a living body but a dead mind, and the spirit isn't even considered, but would also be dead if it were).

Holiness means separation, and we are fundamentally separate - even down to our ability to work with God's practical truths about our souls, which Worldlings cannot adequately do.


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