What the Church Should Know and Do

If only we could get salvation doctrine correct among ourselves and then move on to separation - treating Worldlings circumspectly with gentleness and wisdom and treating Christians with teaching, rebukes, exhortations, encouragements, reproofs, shunning (not as enemies, but as siblings in Christ), then we would not be confused about who is a Christian and what we should do.

Love the siblings in everything and do loving action to your enemies, but know who your enemies are, according to the Scriptures, and don't be their friends, which is enmity with God (according to what God told us by that Special Book He wrote to us).

God is knowable by His Special Spirit and by His Holy Book, but the World obfuscates Him, His words, His desires and His actions with pseudochrist look-alikes.  Don't believe them, believe Him, comparing preaching with Scripture like the noble Bereans did.

Believing 1 Corinthians 15:3b-8 results in doing Romans 10:9a, 10b, 13 for salvation and Romans 10:9b, 10a for sanctification, which will happen even in the Christian ax-murderer and the proud and the one who lies to the small child to save her feelings after a great tragedy.  We need not pretend to be sinless in order to gain righteousness, but believing the Spirit of Resurrection Whose laws we are under gains us righteousness though our craven body still sometimes overcomes us to cause sin.  Worshiping our own willpower won't make us righteous!

Untangle yourselves, dear Church, relying on Christ, and do right for the right reasons, because it already is our nature by way of God's Spirit who has raised us to life by our belief that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, and then He was buried, and then God raised Him from the dead on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and then He was seen by Peter and the Disciples and by over 500 brothers at one time (most of whom were still alive when Paul wrote to the Corinthian congregation this formulation of the gospel that Paul learned directly from God), and then Master Jesus the Christ was seen after God raised Him up from the dead by James and by the Apostles and by Paul, and upon believing these things God's Holy Spirit gives us a new nature when we call on the name of the Master for our salvation by verbally confessing Master Jesus; let us untangle ourselves, dear Church, and do right for the right reasons, because it is already in our nature (which the World does not have, though they attempt to mimic God's great salvation in words and in deeds), and let's not do right in order to attempt forming ourselves with a new nature by our own willpower!

We have first salvation, then sanctification by believing the Resurrection that is caused by God's Spirit Whose law we follow (instead of written law), and then we also have understanding of the difference between Church and World, as we tell the Church deeper truths about not being homosexual or lying to children no matter what we feel, yet we do not tell the World about their sin; let's have biblical understanding and biblical relationships and a biblical view of Christ's Church, with all the magnificent Church's hard discipline that comes from the meek and soft heart, and with all the gifting Church's prophesying one after the other, speaking to each other in love about what God has done to us.

Oh, Church!  Stop ignoring each other's sins.  Ignoring the sin that you are indeed not hypocritical about yet still ignoring it in others is weak and useless and hurtful to your dear sibling in Christ, who needs help learning how to resist his body's slaughter of him!  Help him effectively, with gentleness here and hardness there, and stop being persuaded by Satanic psychonautical flying here and there with sympathetic wispery and false morality!  God's truth exists!  Eat it, and rest in your Master's mind, heart, and hand.


  1. The world can't understand this mystery of the Kingdom. It is too good to be true to them. Rom 10. :9-10 for example, confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and be saved, believe his finished work on the cross and receive the gift of righteousness. However, as good as it seem, it is also true.

    This is why we must pray the father to help convict these hearts with the help of his spirit.

    We preach, and he convicts ,
    Then this truth of the gospel comes alive. His spirit needs us. And we need him.... The spirit and the bride say come. Revelation 22:17.

    1. There's one vital correction: God doesn't need our help. He allows us to help, like the loving father who takes his son to work, places his hand on the instrument and guides his little fingers in the correct way to accomplish the task. "How can he hear without a preacher?" combines with "How can there be a preacher unless God sends him?" (Romans 10:14-15).

    2. Also, refer to http://aasmp.blogspot.com/2021/11/god-calls-and-saves-all-who-are-being.html

      God didn't lose even one whom He foreknew and called, showing that it's not our fallible preaching that is ultimately responsible for any salvation. But, again, He graciously allows us to be involved in His work.


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