Notes on Paw Creek Video about Heresy in TBN
Here's a list of heresies that have been perpetrated on us. Even if they come from people who seem (by what they say and look like) to be born-again Christians, listen to the meanings of what they say very closely, and compare it with Scripture!
They say:
-We command angels to give us money (Kenneth Hagin).
-Jesus was immunized with all of our sins so that His blood would be sufficient to redeem us (Rod Parsley).
-Jesus would have sinned if The Holy Spirit hadn't been with Him, because He was totally a man like us (Benny Hinn).
-Hebrews 9:14 does not deal with the cross, but it says Jesus offered Himself before He ever came to Earth (Benny Hinn).
-Abraham cut the covenant, so Jesus didn't really have to redo it (Benny Hinn).
-Jesus burned in Hell (several; example, Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn).
-Jesus *destroyed* Satan in Hell; furthermore, He did it with Adamic authority and without the power of The Holy Spirit (Benny Hinn).
-Jesus was not divine on Earth, but got it back when He destroyed Satan in Hell (Paul Crouch).
-We are little Gods (Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch).
-We control reality and command angels with our words.
-New Age thought. Mother Earth. The Church will get rid of the old concepts and make a quantum leap just like all the scientific and technological advancements (in the run up to the year 2000). I see that this has been building INSIDE THE CHURCH, using and abusing the language of The Church, for decades now (Phil Munsey).
-The Throne Zone combines past, present and future. It seems to me that this means that in prayer (or in Buddhist, mantric or otherwise fake-prayer meditation?), we can have information to order things with our own power to get the outcomes we want (Phil Munsey).
-Mother Earth is going to birth a new paradigm for the Church.
-The Second Coming is spiritual and not physical.
-We know that prophecy is from God if we see it happen (Paul Crouch). I say that the Old Testament prophets did have to have a 100% correct record in their prophecies, else they were not from God, but Satan has supernatural power and can force events that he previously gives a false prophet to tell us in order to deceive us into believing that the things that prophet says are from God.
I just looked up Rod Parsley's and Benny Hinn's salvation doctrine. At first glance, it seems to have all the elements, but Rod tells us to confess Jesus is Savior instead of Master (notice that our positive confession to make Him Savior is our wicked, will-based magical speech, and it is different from our humble acceptance of what He already is by The Father's authority, that He is both Master and Savior, because The Father put Him in those positions), and they both have repentance (that is, turn from sin) as a prerequisite, which is not even possible to do after salvation. I say that repentance (that is, turn toward Christ) is inherent and automatically happens when you believe He died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose again, and when you confess with your mouth Master Jesus. Also, I say that the way we turn from sin is by rejecting any governance from The Law of God, because it doesn't have the power to save us from corruption that causes us to sin (Galatians 2:16). They both say that Jesus is God's Son, but, like the Jehovah's Witnesses who also claim such a thing while reducing its meaning, they do not say in their salvation doctrines that Jesus Christ is God's only sired (only natural born; non-adopted) Son. The point I'm trying to make is this: be certain to test everything said by everybody, even if you think they have the firm foundation of Master Jesus. I want you to test me against the Bible (and *please* tell me when I'm wrong! It's only loving-kind of you to do so). Acts 17:11, dear Church. Acts 17:11.
"Master Jesus, let all people whom you have called to be Yours get closer and closer to Your Truth. Let us be spiritually empowered only by You, accepting no fakes, to Your glory, Master Jesus. Amen."
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