A Special Forces Demon Attack in a Dream

I had another dream driven by the influence of the special forces demon.

I ignored the game at first.  It was a youngster's game - mainly frivolous.  But there was a package of materials involved.  I was asked to do a favor - no, it wasn't playing the game, but it would help them if it allowed the mostly-numb peeling of my finger with the knife-like instrument.

Afterward, I went up into the treehouse, where the other person and a large (2 or 3 foot) squirrel was going to play the game, and I was told that I could be in there because I was trusted now that I had done the thing.  Suddenly, they were playing the game with me, peeling my finger with only a little discomfort with the implement even though I didn't want to actually "play the game", I was just willing to help the other outside of playing it.  But I was playing it the whole time.

I ran away, and I was quickly chased!  I turned in my running, and I spoke against them in the name of Master Jesus Christ and woke up.

His blood covers me, and it is better than their perverse blood draw!


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