Angelic Artwork

In this time of healing, God sent me tokens that He was still watching me.  Artwork appeared on my basement wall!!  The first thing you have to understand about it, is that it looks like granules of possibly the same type of lime residue that seeps out of old basement walls, and it combines with the normal discolorations in such walls for shading.. If it was a blob or hard to see, it would be readily explainable as a psychological phenomenon, but God has given me an in-your-face kind of gift in what these sublime elements form, which leads me to..

Secondly, what you have to understand is that these elements form a very definite picture, and such a one that has many Christian symbols that speak directly to me and which other Christians can understand.

So, sit forward, concentrate, and explore the gentle, poignant gift that God gave to this Christian as He pulled me back from my deep dive into sin, after which I yearned toward Him very greatly every day for a couple years. And see that God is steadfast, and that He kindly watches us, and He knows our hearts.
The elements in this picture concern my heart ("'Fraidy Chicken" connects to an offense I had with a cartoon as a child, when the cat jumped up to hang from the ceiling away from the yipping puppy.  But, I changed it then in my mind to mean that he's only tricking the dog by lulling him into a false sense of complacency!).  The sleeping dinosaur, elephant and little dog refer to my grandmother, who raised me, whose Bible I still have.  And I really like Rat-Man and the Key-Bear!  :^D  They seem like me.
These elements are personal, but the message can be heard by all Christians:  God's love is personal and sincere and ..concrete (and it's in the bottom depth of being in us His house).

Remember: It's not smeared on chalk and daubed on dark paint, but it's thousands of tiny, powdery grains for lines both wide and in tiny detail and natural discolorations in the wall for shading!

She's wearing a magnificent warrior's helmet. The picture doesn't show the top, but it goes up a ways. There seems to be a pole in the center, and it's split into two pieces along the side. The piece that would come down in front is molded to the shape of her face, and there's a back piece, too.

These are clasps or ornaments on the helmet, around the hairline.

I call this one 'Fraidy Chicken.

A sleeping dinosaur.

Isn't this Christian warrior grand.  She's looking out past the cross and the snake to that future when such living creatures will be openly known to us.


A little dog. An ornament on her helmet.

Pot smoke really does limit your memory. Aren't elephants supposed to be known for a short memory?  Looking at the last photo, you can see what I consider to be a gigantic joint.  Don't let this throw you off of continuing to consider these things.  The biblical mandate against pharmakeia is about not using drugs to perform sorcery.  Could you sincerely argue that that's a tusk?  I can't.


"That old, rugged cross, so despised by the World, holds a wondrous attraction for me."

It's a snake with a bandit mask, traveling right on the dirt.  It's tail is being eaten by a fish with eyes on stalks and gnarly teeth!  It has an unreal Mesmer dragon head and wings above his real head to make him seem like something he's not.

Keep looking. It'll get easier to see.
An owl at the end of a chain of jewels along the side of the creature.

There's a gash in the wall, cutting across his great tear, ending on his nose with a mournful face.

This is one of the best photos of the angel's head. I slowly noticed more and more elements over many weeks. Imagine my startled delight to uncover it!
You're seeing all this at a physical and temporal remove, but think about what it must have been like for me to slowly uncover more and more elements at the time.

This down-facing skull is right in the center of the creature's forehead. In real life, it's a bit less blurry.

I didn't get a clear picture of it, but in the reflection of the eye there's a bear wearing a military coat, dragging a duffel bag behind him and carrying a rifle.  Of course, looking at the artwork, the artwork looked back at me, and so I took the bear to represent myself reflected in the great creature's eye.

A lion's head is on the left side of the creature's head.

Rat-Man and the Key-Bear is in the middle of the creature's head.  Rat-Man is standing with his left arm outstretched in the universal "stay back" gesture.  It's worth noting here the detail work of the claws on that paw.  The powder, however it was applied, remains distinct in the small detail, which can be seen running off the right side of the picture below.  He's holding a battle axe, and Key-Bear is standing on the haft of that axe, holding a giant key that, under certain lighting, looks golden, as is the bottom diagonal half of Key-Bear's face.  The bear is looking up to his right at a grand face positioned at the corner of the axe head.  The golden color is nowhere else in the art work, but these pictures don't show it well enough.

On the left side of the creature's head (the right side by our viewpoint) is a tiger with his tail above his head.


Above the creature's head is a snail with sunburst and a keyhole on it's shell.  It's facing west and represents my lifetime, which I have often thought is going too slowly. I want to get where the Master physically is, now! But He keeps me well down here, anyways.

Looking into the shadow from which the angel emerges as it poses in front of my screen (I found the photograph of this living creature in the thumbnails on my phone some weeks after the artwork showed up), you can see the lion (in profile in the upper left of the "shadow"), Rat-Man in the center, and the tiger (with his tail above his head) on the top right.  This great living creature is smiling, and I'm glad for what God has allowed me to see.  Look at that buck-tooth and his red eye!  He's amber, with lights inside.

Together with the artwork, the message is clear: God loves me, and He sees me, and He is happy to do so, freely; He has made me glad, indeed, and He causes me to remember that I can, should, must trust Him in life that's just as real and everyday as the dirty concrete of an old basement wall.


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