The Difference Between The Holy Spirit's Powerful Fruit and the Sibling's Smiling Help

The empowerment of the Holy Spirit results in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Seeing those gifts in the lives of the siblings is an effect of the Holy Spirit. Healing the sick and raising the dead are affects of the power of the Holy Spirit. Having understanding beyond any natural means is the power of the Holy Spirit.

We find friendly faces and hearty hellos in the entryways of many churches. We feel a lightness to the atmosphere that comes from the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the siblings. We gain the fruit and the power of the Holy Spirit when we look toward God, are in His presence, read His Word, worship Him, think about Him, our Master, that God-Man, Himself, and His Father and ours, and God The Holy Spirit. We do not get the fruit and the power directly by associating with the siblings who have His fruits and know His power in their own lives. We do not get the fruit and the power of the Holy Spirit by being greeted in the church foyer. We do not get the fruit and the power of God's Holy Spirit directly from any number of experiences of being refreshed by communication with God's people. We don't.

The modern church has been hurt about our knowledge of and relationship with God's Holy Spirit.

We feel refreshed in the presence of the siblings because we naturally desire natural relationships with other people, and we are almost totally devoid of them, except when we're around people who have been healed by God's power and have been fed to grow and learned to exhibit God's good fruit. But that still is not the way we, ourselves, get closer to God, except in the very early days of our lives, when father and mother and older sister and brother help us learn how we, too, can go into God's presence and sing about Him and be close with that God-Man, our own Master, directly. Then we start acquiring the fruit and the power of Master Jesus' spirit of holiness, God's Holy Spirit, Himself. Then we, too, will be a natural refreshment to others who enter our presence, because humans are bags - wine skins, if you will - and we hold what we eat, especially what we work to gain and purposely manipulate through our systems and yearn to take in. Then what's inside us comes back out, sometimes in the strength and wisdom of muscle and mind supported by good nourishment, and sometimes sweated out through the pores and expelled in the dross, shrugged off as useless. So, when we go into God's presence, He, directly Himself, teaches us and He strengthens us as we call out to Him. Even those siblings who are not particularly spiritual (there are different types of people, and some are more inclined toward the physical), even those are nourished by reflecting on God, even when other Christians are nowhere around nor their sermons anywhere heard. Be still and know that God is God. Then you can know how to honestly smile at the newcomer to give the small gift of the weekly bulletin and to put your arm around the mournful siblings you see and enlighten the atmosphere with your true positivity well.

And praise God for it. Praise God. It's normal human experience; we are glad for it, and He is glorified, indeed, by giving such good things!


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