The Test between a Real Christian and the Pretense of Antichrist

I heard recently that President Trump said he believes in God. Did he say that he believes that Jesus died for our sins like the Bible says, was buried, resurrected the third day like the Bible says, and we seen by Peter, the Disciples, over 500 brothers at once, James, the Apostles, and Paul the Apostle, and, because of believing those things, call on Jesus' name to save him by admitting out loud that Jesus is Master? Well, it *is* with the mouth that confession that Jesus is Master is made to gain salvation (but nobody can call on His name if they don't first believe who *that* particular Jesus is who completed the only possible saving work for us). According to 1 Corinthians 15:1-3a and Romans 10:14a, due to believing the four things listed in 1 Corinthians 15:3b-8, do the single thing mentioned three times in Romans 10:9-13 to be saved.

Now, I didn't listen, but if you heard President Trump (or anyone else..) talk about God, did He bear witness to *this* particular Jesus, or, like Pagans the world over, just "God" or, like the more devious ones, generic "Jesus"?

There are many antichrists in the world already, so think closely about it. God knows that a lack of knowledge won't excuse us, so search our the Way of your salvation today, and stop believing people who say that they love Jesus or they believe in God if they don't bring the work equal to their repentance and call on Jesus' name in belief in accordance with the directives of God's Word.


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