Dirty Righteousness

Doing right out of a dedication to He Who has saved you, Master Jesus Christ, is right.  But doing right in order to save yourself in the sight of God is as disgusting to God as when ancient Israel offered many sacrifices but disregarded Him.

We must know that Christ's death, in accordance with the Scriptures, was for our sin, and we cannot do anything for our sin, ourselves.  Then He was buried, and God resurrected Him on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and then He was seen by many witnesses.  Believing this, we call on His name to save us by confessing with the mouth Master Jesus.

After we are saved, it is His Spirit Who prompts us to do right, and we grow in righteousness due to our belief in His Resurrection by that same Holy Spirit of God.  No other righteousness is acceptable to God but the righteousness that comes from Him.  Human righteousness cannot save, and it is shameful to put righteousness forth as a means to one's own salvation.

This wisdom is not only for those who are not saved, but it's also for the saved.  We who are saved by Christ must keep remembering that we don't make our salvation stick by practicing righteousness - we practice righteousness because we are enabled to do so due to our salvation - in particular, due to our rebirth with a new nature - and we grow in grace, in the knowledge of Master Jesus Christ our savior, and in righteousness, but we must remember that, even like Paul the apostle mourned about, we still have wicked flesh attached to us, and we fight it every day!


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