On Tender Communication between Mother and Son

I've sometimes wondered about Jesus' conversation with his mother at that wedding. The interaction seems interesting, but what does it mean? "It's not my time yet", he said, "Do what he says", she said. Why did she know that she got her request from him when he said that? Though I can't be certain, I can think of a reason that fits, and it's deeply kind as it speaks of the close, concerned, and the tenderly reconciling long-term conversation of mother and son.

She knew he had to die for a good reason. But what mother would be able to stand enduring that knowledge for decades? They must have spoken about it enough for it to become an inside joke. He joked with his mother about his death enough times that she knew he was saying yes to her request of him that day.

"Will you do something about this wine? It's running out too fast!". "Mother, you're embarrassing me to death, but it's not my time yet!" "Haha. Servants, do whatever he tells you about this wine problem." Get it?


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