Describing Domination

Being dominated is a terrible thing. Some cultures impose ties like those in families in order to bind people to the wills of their dominators. In the sad experiences of those caught in their traps, there's a feeling of inability to resist which is cultivated with known techniques, and the resistance flairs into weak eddies of self-recrimination or enfeebled sadness about some trivial thing.

Being dominated is a terrible thing. It warps a human being into the image of an animal that follows unwillingly outside of any right bonds of authority by freely acquiescing that will to its abuser.

If demons are in a hierarchy, domination might be higher than murder and its arrogant peer, lust. Domination uses intelligence to twist personal bonds meant for more loving connections into the horror of unspeakable sorrow which has a threat of almost indescribable shape, and so I describe it and I speak of it here, because some might know, deep down, that they are being dominated even though they don't know the words or the concepts to prove it, which seems like part of the weighty trap keeping them. It's quite simple, though. Your dominator DOES know, IS against you, and HAS twisted love quite, quite evilly, just as you have suspected for such a long time, now.

Run to Master Jesus, first. Believe He died for our sins like the Bible prophesied beforehand and described afterward, and believe that He was buried, resurrected the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and then He was seen afterward by many witnesses, and call on His name to be saved by admitting out loud that the Jesus who did these things is your master. Confessing Him in belief saves you from the products of sin. Once He has you, He will teach you the truth and empower you to break your shackles - whatever has been dominating you - as you trust that His goodness is powerful enough to keep working while you do all the things you know you should do to extricate yourself from your folly.

It's your choice, even though the dominator tries to keep that a secret..

Run to Master Jesus - be dominated by God, who is the only good one there is - and be free from sin in your good master's care.


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