Understanding God

When we see God's actions in events in the Bible, do we pin down the group it applied to and say those actions were only *promised* to that group, or do we box in the action and say that it must be that precise sequence and those specific actions? Both might be true or false! We make errors by picking one interpretation as the strategy for all. We make other errors by failing to apply the lessons of the interpretive strategies that we have seen applied successfully to different passages throughout the Bible.

Consider when God told some that they would face government officials for their association with Him. He told them not to worry about what to say then, because The Holy Spirit would tell them what to say at the time. Doesn't that reveal God's method, and can't we apply the lesson to generally trust that He has our backs? Or do we say that it was a mere description of a specific miracle for those people? Or do we say that any Christian can expect that exact thing but only if we go up in front of the named type of official in very similar circumstances as they did? We have to open our minds to follow our spirits in trusting Him! There's lots of ways in God's Word that He reveals Himself. God's Word and Christ Jesus, God's Spirit of Separation, and God's Separated Book that He wrote to us all reveal His nature, and they all say the same things.

There are specific details - every one of them is exactly true. There are many interpretations we put on those details - every one of them is NOT exactly or even remotely true; not every one is false, either. All of God's Word, our Master, told by the Spirit of God, are beneficial to us, but we must not constrain it by first developing (in endlessly speculative and debateably opposable variations) general concepts to press onto the whole and then stick to those decisions no matter how badly they fit the details! We have to FIRST trust God, REGARDLESS of our abilities to understand. And THEN we can more easily see that He is bringing us to points of view here and viewpoints there to understand Himself, The Truth.

First, there's salvation doctrine, which points to Jesus Christ our Master, The Cornerstone..


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