Repentence is Defined Poorly in False Gospel Doctrines

Repentance is to change. Repentance for salvation is to change your stance toward Christ, which is to believe 4 things (listed in 1 Corinthians 15:3b-8; see 1-3a for the setup, especially verse 2 which makes that list both the necessary and sufficient set of beliefs to be saved) and to do 1 thing (emphasized 3 times in Romans 10:9-13) to be saved (Romans 10:14a ties the belief to the action). Repentance for sin (sin-nature, not each individual sin as they happen - this is for salvation, remember!) - that repentance is to turn toward Christ by believing and doing what God has told everyone to believe and do to be saved. Paul said it (from the very beginning of his ministry and throughout) and Peter said it (in Acts 2, before the conversation was changed by verse 38; except Peter left out the fact that Jesus was buried in that passage). It's THE gospel. And it has NOTHING to do with us being good, dominating our sins, or not living in unrepentant sin! Shunning Christians has to do with them living in unrepentant sins - it comes into play, but NOT EVER for salvation. This is the difference between Christianity and what Paganism has always been, and - listen to this - a long time ago, Christians made the error 10 times worse by connecting the action of verbally confessing Master Jesus for salvation ("with the mouth" - Romans 10:9-13) to the action of feeling, believing, trying, wanting, to not sin (because, they said, if He's REalLy your Master, you won't want to do anything but try your hardest not to sin all the time, period, and He - they said - isn't your Master unless you do not sin...). See where the error came from. It's insidious. It's despicable, and it's prevalent among almost every church I've ever seen!!! Ask them. Push them to the limit. Nobody says we must believe that Jesus was seen by the witnesses after His resurrection to be saved, but God says that. It seems strange even to hear it, but that's probably not the most insidious trouble in this whole thing (just a very easily observable deviation from the actual gospel). Look at several different statements of faith and see how they all have their own wording (and, more importantly, meanings of details) about salvation doctrine, and ask yourself, "How can that be?". Be forceful about it, like, "How can that be?!!". I'm very sad and very angry and quite, quite perplexed about it, and I tell you, this thing about the definition of "repentance" is a main cause of antichristian religion.

To be very clear: Repentance means to turn from your sin BY MEANS OF turning toward Christ BY MEANS OF believing 4 things and doing 1 thing to be saved. It's all about Christ's righteousness and our recognition that we could never stop sinning enough for our own blood to be able to be shed in order to cover our sins. The gospel is ONLY about our belief and confession of HIM. See the difference? See the difference!

I anticipate an objection. Think of it like this. If we didn't turn toward Christ by trusting His salvation work and verbally confessing Jesus Master, then we wouldn't be able to stop sinning. Sometimes, it seems like repentance means to turn away from sin - and it indirectly does mean that - but the method of stopping your own sin is to turn toward Christ by this doctrine of salvation. The Pagan tries to be good, too, and always has a secret sin - the Buddhist is no different. Gandhi is not as pure as the worst saved Christian ever, because it's Christ's purity that His own saved ones are judged by, BECAUSE we have believed and confessed Him in accordance with the Scriptures; AND ALSO that worst Christian HAS THE ABILITY to stop sinning in a way that Gandhi doesn't by his most sincere methodologies.


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