Goth Girl Revisited - Untangling the Faux Fear of Hypocrasy that Drives People to Indulge Evil through Despair

Just because heroes aren't good, that doesn't mean we're hypocrites if we keep ourselves from lauding villains. Only God is good. Remember that. We all deserve Hell.

God sent His own son from Heaven to Earth, put him into a human body, and arranged time and place and so forth to ensure that those who would do such evil in fact managed to murder Him, even though He really is entirely innocent, even more than the gentlest baby.

His Father is God, so He didn't inherit sin, and death had no hold over Him at all.

God allowed His son to be murdered in order to provide the only acceptable blood sacrifice to put into remission the sin of everyone who believes on Him and calls on His name for salvation, freely! Freely, because we can't do anything about it for ourselves in any way or in any amount.

Just because heroes are not good, don't think that your only rational choice is to hopelessly give in to your own evil entirely. Being heroic was never your way out; it never could be, even if righteous heroism looked more attainable to you. Master Jesus, God's Christ, is heroic and good and righteous on behalf of everyone who was His enemy but believed and confessed in accordance with the Scriptures to be saved.

Despair of attaining peace is natural for the sin-cursed dying, but God made a Way, thwarting the problem by planning, skill, and immense sacrifice, because He is very good, indeed!


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