Faith and Reason in Christ

People sometimes have conversations about faith and reason. In these conversations, the value of human reason is strictly extolled by one or both sides (depending on who's having the conversation!) - after all, hundreds of years since the Enlightenment have built toward the goal of reason over subservience to God. Subservience to humans falsely claiming to be the voice of God is sickeningly wicked, but subservience to YHWH God by way of His Son Jesus is good. Also in these conversations, faith is made be seem like a psychologically or sociologically induced philosophical framework for living. Christ is Life, but these labels are meant to denigrate faith to ultimate subjectivity when it is really ultimate objectivity, because I don't trust my knowledge of God, I trust God, Himself, even when I don't do or understand or will rightly.

Human-level reasoning based on our perceptions isn't nearly as reliable as trusting God the Creator of the Universe! That statement is obvious, but some wonder who God is and whether Christians are really hearing Him. It seems to them that we're listening to our souls and using the Bible as a basis for a philosophy of living. And then they question the whole thing more because Christians seem to cross the gamut of all possible philosophies of living - or almost all, and even in the depths of wickedness, some would claim to be Christ's followers. Many are loathe to say they are saved by God's gospel as preached by Paul the Apostle when it comes right down to it, though. There are many philosophies of living, but only one Christ (see 1 Corinthians 8:5-6).

This Spirit of God is relaying messages from God in heaven to me, not based on my reason or perception and thoughts, and not based on my emotion and feeling, or my will, but to my spirit! And my will, and emotions, and thoughts, are aligned to Him - my whole soul is oriented toward that Master of all His own, Jesus - especially when I don't live in unrepentent sin so I know that He hears me and give me any good think I ask of Him! 

That faith in that God reveals knowledge in practical reality.


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