Email to Many Churches about the Distinction between Salvation Doctrine and Charity Work in Practice

A man saw me walking to a McDonald's breakfast this morning, and he asked me to buy him a sandwich. So, I waved him over, asked him his name, and what he wanted, and we proceeded forth. When I asked him what he thought of Christ, he told me that he believes all the religions have something worthwhile, and he mentioned Jesus as part of the mix.

I was very mellow in this. I wasn't pushy. I want you to understand that, firmly. Imagine it. We were standing in line; not for long, either. There was a little silence after the meal was ordered, and I continued the conversation.We got the food, and he walked out with me; I had some of his stuff in my bag, so we waited a moment and shuffled some things around, and then we walked on. He waited on me; he wanted me to follow him. I told him to follow Christ. I told him what he must believe and do to be saved, which I emailed you about recently. He did not. He wanted me to go with him. I would not.

Friendship with the world is enmity with God. I did real and practical love to that man. I also fed him. He rejected my love, as he must, unless God calls to him, which is why I couldn't trick him or lure him or persuade him with words - logical or emotional - or with a force of my will, even if I did go with him and stayed with him for many years, because it just doesn't work like that, dear siblings in our same Master and Savior, God's Christ, Jesus. The 4 facts about Christ's righteousness and our confession that Jesus is The Master are the things people respond to, at the end of the day, or not. However you want to reword the same biblical directives that even Paul learned independently and taught everyone from the beginning of our Master's church; if you want to say it real loose or very formally, with high speech or normal talk, the facts of salvation doctrine remain the same, and that's what people must have, even more than food.

I didn't reject charity when I told him the gospel. He's my enemy, though, as he proved by denying the truth of Christ's great saving work, so he rejected me, though he still wanted me to follow him..

Don't be trapped by the World. Learn the gospel - it's NOT charity work! It's the actual method of how to recieve God's powerful salvation from the the absolutely natural consequence of our (action?; no) state - who.. WHAT we are. That means there's no getting around it.

I've told you even more than I told him. I had to tell him that he should respond to God's call if he ever does hear it, but I can tell the Christian sibling more. But we all have this in common: we must run to Master Jesus, The Truth, and find the real state of things, because it won't change regardless of shallow thoughts about debating being bad so politeness is the only thing separated from such terrible talk as directly giving biblical - God's Own - salvation doctrine to people. Don't be afraid, dear servant of our same Master! He is for us! Let your flesh burn, and be happy that you dominate this spot of it, and now that one, too! Exult in happy celebration as you allow acceptance and stop struggling against what you, yourself, know to be true. There's a lot of subjective reasoning and legitimate choices to be made, but we MUST (by definition..) all get together on salvation doctrine by believing and doing according to the Scriptures, and better yet, in addition, knowing that that's why we're saved so we can tell the difference between Church and World, so we can resist temptation to despair during our darkest hour as we recall the absolutist nature of salvation (don't confess your sin to be saved, confess Him - that's the opposite, see! Confess your sin afterward for other reasons), and so we know what to say to the World, God's enemy, just like we have all been, but we DID believe THOSE THINGS, and we DID do THAT THING, and so WE ARE, by God's Own Way - His methodological framework - saved by Him.

Since I sent my previous email to so many of you (check the CC), and NONE - 0 - of you have responded about such a great and relevant topic, I thought I'd tell you this in hopes that at least one of you will agree openly and continue to agree by spreading God's gospel, which He taught to Peter and Paul independently (Acts 2, several verses before 38, has Peter talking about what Paul listed in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 and what he said in Romans 10:9-13, except Peter left out a mention that Jesus was buried).

Be well in our same Savior, God's prophesied Messiah, delivered to death for the sin of the whole world at just the right time in human history, about which we should all have benefit of hearing, our Master Jesus.

Amen? Aaaaaamen!


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