Be Careful to Interpret God's Bible without Myopia in Your Study

Luke 9:49 - And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.
Luke 9:50 - And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.

Someone might be tempted to interpret this as saying other religions shouldn't be forbidden, because whoever isn't against us is with us, because they used Jesus' name even though they didn't walk in their same religion with them. That interpretation would have its trouble hinge on the concept of "walking with us" as though it meant being the same religion, but the interpretation changes fewer connecting concepts (and so it's more plausible) by being more literal - they weren't part of the 12 Disciples or their immediate group of friends, but they were - evidently - saved by God through Jesus just like the 12 Disciples and their friends.

We have to be careful to have straightforward understanding in studying God's Word so we don't add, overlook, or change things.

The interpretation of biblical passages is often on the everyday level. It's direct. It's straightforward in a way that we've been trained to overlook with all of our half-mystical, metaphorical stretching in the structured work of biblical interpretation.

Going so far as seminary professors and highly educated pastors so often do can obscure the meaning more than what we're left with if we don't have any of that kind of study. There's a balance, and it think it's closer to the everyday than it is to the extremely analyzed. It's not that hard to get the actual meaning. After the actual meaning is secure in our minds, then we can profit some by remembering and applying ourselves to the fact that "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honour of kings is to search out a matter". Are we worthy - He makes His own people to have His own righteousness as we move from one level of faith to the next, and we can understand the depths due to His guidance! His guidance starts at home. He's closer than a brother..


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