Philosophical Differences Between Creation and Evolution

Creation itself is not science, but neither is Evolution (for the same reasons). However, Creation predicts things that can be studied in the present (just like Evolution does). The things that Creation predicts, when tested, are found to be in accord with the entire, unchanging Bible, from which Creation models are derived. The purpose of the Creation models is to aggregate together a single picture of all the things the Bible says about the Universe. The purpose of the Evolution models is to prove freely changing supporting theories of certain unchanging theories of Evolution.

The things that Evolution predicts, when they are tested and when patterns are looked for concerning those specific predictions, they sometimes do not pan out. For instance, there is evidence against Evolution and for the Flood from polystrate fossils of trees going through multiple layers that look just like the layers that are normally used for dating in geological evolutionary theories.  These tree fossils evidence a short time between those layers! For another example, the dates of the layers are based on the fossils that are located in them, which fossils, when dated, are selected or rejected for publication based on whether it fits the model by being found in the expected type of layer! The dating methods presuppose the thing they date. This strange dating and ignoring of much of the evidence to create models is not scientific observation that has found patterns, but it is the false mimicry of such a thing, because real observations are simply ignored often enough to skew the entire model.

Creationists see many specific facts in the Bible, each of which can be tested (as long as someone can think of a test for it), and whenever those things are tested, they are always seen to be verified as true. The evidence amassed by actual science done on the basis of belief in biblical claims about the nature of the Universe (as long as they are testable at all) provide overwhelming evidence as to the veracity of the truth-claims in the Bible about the Universe.

Evolution and Creation cannot be directly compared point-for-point, because, even though we are often doing tests on the same physical stuff, the goals of our tests are different. Evolution tries to prove itself, and it hasn't achieved that; Creation is the basis for proving many specific things, ALL of which (if they can be scientifically tested at all) have been and are achieved.


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